LF Energy TAC Meeting Minutes
January 21, 2025
Voting member attendance
- Maarten Mulder
- Clément Bouvier
- Antonello Monti
- Boris Dolley
- Art Pope
- Sophie Frasnedo
- Yixing Xu
- Travis Sikes
Voting members not in attendance
- Bryce Bartmann
Other attendees
- John Mertic, The Linux Foundation
- Yarille Ortiz, The Linux Foundation
- Dan Brown, The Linux Foundation
- Arila Barnes
- Manuel Ziegler
- Victor Lu
- Nicolas Bernhardi
- Daniel Lazaro
- Robert de Leeuw
Meeting Recording: here
Meeting Deck: here
John Mertic called the meeting to order at 8:02 am US Pacific Time.
Opening and General Updates
Mertic reviewed the antitrust policy and the agenda. He mentioned working on the TAC\ website and asked for feedback or to help improve this resource.
Mertic spoke about project reviews and mentioned some of the SIGS would be moving and Yarille Ortiz would be reaching out with updates.
Mertic reviewed projects currently being onboarded and said Grid2Op is on schedule to present on February 11 and that RTC-Tools is in the works pending some licensing questions. He also announced GridCal is no longer in the onboarding process as the owners decided to retain the ownership of the project.
Slack Discussion
Meeting attendees discussed switching from Slack to Zulip or Discord. Sophie Frasnedo expressed wanting to stay on Slack due to not wanting to rebuild the community. Frasnedo will add an LF Energy admin account. Ortiz will coordinate with Frasnedo.
Arila Barnes mentioned there is a way to import contacts to Zulip. She mentioned using that for her community. Frasnedo stated concerns with having to reshape habits with their existing community of 200+ people. Jonas van den Bogaard suggested having LF Energy support two platforms - Zulip and Slack to enable communities to select the option that works best for them. Mertic said we would move forward with that plan.
OpenGEH Move to Emertius
Nicolas Bernhardi shared a brief presentation about the project and its status. Bernhardi said the product itself is probably not a popular open source project and few customers need it. He mentioned there is a need for a product to cater to the Danish electricity market.
Bernhardi mentioned the current development of the Danish software and a brief discussion ensued regarding naming. Mertic mentioned that if there comes a time when they feel it is valuable to come back to LF Energy, to reach out and we can present back to the TAC.
Mertic presented a motion to move OpenGEGH from its current stage into the emeritus. Antonelle Monti motioned to approve the resolution which was seconded by Art Pope. With all members present, the resolution was approved.
Resolved: That motion to move the OpenGEH project into Emeritus status is hereby approved.
TAC Planning 2025
Mertic presented some items discussed at the previous TAC meeting in December.
He presented a suggestion regarding changing the meeting cadence from every three weeks to monthly. Van den Bogaard mentioned he was for the change and liked that the meetings would be better aligned with the Governing Board meetings. Monti mentioned it would make it easier to support SIG meetings with the new cadence. After the discussion, Mertic mentioned Ortiz would be making the proper adjustments to revise meeting and review dates.
Mertic continued with a recap of the discussion to spin down the Data Standards and Tooling and Grid Operations SIGs. He said we would be starting a SIG leaders office hours meetings for SIG leaders to share best practices.
Mertic presented the next topic of security audits. He said one security audit is planned to be funded for 2025, and that the TAC will prioritize which project to focus on. A discussion ensued with Frasnedo and Robert de Leeuw regarding their respective project releases.
Mertic asked the TAC to look at the projects and think of how to prioritize the audits; the discussion would resume at the February meeting,
Mertic spoke about the change to the landscape before introducing the topic about the TAC Leadership. Boris Dolley was in favor of adding a Vice Chair and suggested a formal nomination/voting process. The members present shared thoughts and ideas regarding the election process. Mertic suggested the next step be writing out a formal policy for review at the next TAC meeting.
Marketing and PR Updates
Dan Brown provided marketing and PR updates, including the Power Grid Model, which had great attendance. He asked the TAC for interest in scheduling webinars since there are no others in the pipeline. He mentioned having a great case study for EVerest.
Brown announced some major updates to the LF Energy website, although not a redesign. He continued with a review and updates to other industry events and CFP deadlines.
Next Meeting Agenda
Mertic presented the agenda for the next meeting of the LF Energy TAC, scheduled for 11 February 2025 at 8:00 a.m. US Pacific Time/11:00 a.m. US Eastern Time/5:00 p.m. Central European Time.
- General Updates
- Marketing and PR Updates
- Grid2Op Presentation