LF Energy TAC Meeting Minutes - February 11, 2025
Voting member attendance
- Maarten Mulder
- Clément Bouvier
- Nico Rikken, proxy for Jonas van den Bogaard
- Peter Mitri, RTE, proxy for Sophie Frasnedo
- Boris Dolley
- Art Pope
- Yixing Xu
- Travis Sikes
- Bryce Bartmann
Voting members not in attendance
- Antonello Monti
Other attendees
- John Mertic, The Linux Foundation
- Yarille Ortiz, The Linux Foundation
- Arila Barnes
- Christophe Villemer
- Benjamin Donnot
- Elaine Baker
- Asimenia Korompili
- Robert de Leeuw
- Rodrigues Kwate Kwate
- William Tyson Sams III
Meeting Recording
John Mertic called the meeting to order at 8:03 am US Pacific Time.
Opening and General Updates
Mertic reviewed the antitrust policy and the agenda. Mertic also mentioned the TAC website and asked for feedback to help improve this resource.
Mertic reviewed the annual review schedule and mentioned that with two of the SIGs being shut down, there will be some annual reviews moving back to the TAC, and shared that Yarille Ortiz will coordinate with the affected projects to reschedule.
Mertic gave an update on projects currently being onboarded. Mertic also also announced that GridCal is no longer in the onboarding process as the owners decided to retain the ownership of the project.
Approve TAC Chair/Vice Chair roles
Mertic presented the final plan for the TAC Chair/Vice Chair roles. Mertic presented a resolution to approve the TAC Roles policy discussed in the meeting.
- RESOLVED: That the TAC Roles policy discussed in this meeting is hereby approved.
Bryce Bartmann motioned to approve the resolution, and Maarten Mulder seconded it. All members were in favor.
Security Audits
Mertic announced that the Governing Board has allotted additional funding for security audits, so the TAC could choose two projects to have security audits in 2025. TAC members agreed to fund both EVerest and PowSyBL. Mertic indicated that the TAC needs to come up with a process for doing security audits for other projects, but likely doesn’t need this finalized till later this year.
New Project/Working Group Proposal: Grid2Op
Benjamin DONNOT presented the Grid2OP project proposal.
TAC discussion ensued and TAC members where generally in favor of accepting the project. Mertic presented a resolution to accept the Grid2Op project at the Sandbox stage.
- RESOLVED: That the Grid2Op project is hereby accepted as a LF Energy Sandbox Project.
Art Pope motioned to approve the resolution, and Bryce Bartmann seconded it. All members were in favor.
Hyphae Annual Review
Arila Barnes presented the annual review for Hyphae.
TAC discussion ensued and TAC members where saw no concerns in continuing the project at it’s current stage.
Marketing and PR Updates
Mertic reviewed marketing and PR updates from Dan Brown. There were no questions raised by attendees.
Next Meeting Agenda
Mertic presented the agenda for the next meeting of the LF Energy TAC, scheduled for 11 March 2025 at 8:00 a.m. US Pacific Time/11:00 a.m. US Eastern Time/5:00 p.m. Central European Time.
- General Updates
- OpenSynth Annual Review
- Marketing/PR/Events update
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 am US Pacific Time.